
About Katie Ginger

The first thing you need to know about me is, I like gin. Lots and lots of gin. I live in the South East of England in a lovely little town by the sea and spend my time working, running around after my kids, walking our King Charles Spaniel, Wotsit, and writing! I love history and have a Master’s degree, but have also been lucky enough to work in various castles and museums over the years. I’ve yet to get one of them into a story though – I really must try harder!

May 2021

It’s paperback and audio publication day for The Secrets of Meadow Farmhouse AND…time for a quick giveaway!

By |2021-05-11T09:48:57+01:0013th May 2021|Author Life, News, The Secrets of Meadow Farmhouse|

I’m so excited today because not only is every publication day extremely special, but it’s also publication of my first [...]

April 2021

March 2021

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