When I read polls about what readers would like to see on an author’s blog, behind the scenes stuff always come up first.

I don’t know what it is about seeing someone’s writing cave, or an actor’s life off-camera, or just seeing a glimpse inside someone else’s home, it’s just interesting!

So, here’s a little snapshot of my writing desk! It’s not very glamorous as it’s just a desk in the corner of my dining room, behind the dining room door, but it’s mine and I love it (it’s not always this tidy though!). You can see my reference books on the shelf above and all the folders contain various projects I’m working on, or other random stuff I need to keep!

You’ll also see all the little drawings and bits from my kids which always make my heart sing when I’m feeling down!

From here I can have the back door open and hear the birds singing. It’s my little piece of heaven and I wouldn’t want it anywhere else.