February 2021
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Good morning!

I hope you're doing well, especially if you're in lockdown like we are in the UK.

Did anyone else do Dry January? To be honest, I can't believe I actually did it, but I've got some lockdown weight to shift this year ready for when we can actually go on holidays again! I'm crossing my fingers it'll be in the summer.

So, the cover for The Secrets of Meadow Farmhouse was released last month and tomorrow there's another exciting announcement for all you book reviewers! I think you probably all know what it is but I'm going to tease you anyway.

What else have I got to tell you? I'm currently 60k words into the second book in the Meadowbank Series. I'm really enjoying writing this one and have worked slightly differently on it, not plotting quite so much (I still plotted but this time I haven't got a spreadsheet! *gasp!*) and really seeing where the story takes me. It's been fun. It's set in a library and has a bookish main character, Elsie, and a charming hero who happens to want to knock the library down!

I'll share links and things as soon as I can. And after that I need to crack on with editing Sleuthing Club book two or writing the Meadowbank Christmas book! Eeek!

Until then though, lovely friends, stay safe and well through February, and I'll be in touch again soon.
Lots of love,

The Secrets of Meadowbank Farmhouse is available to pre-order now!

When Amelia discovers a locket hidden in her childhood home containing the picture of a mysterious World War Two soldier, she starts to uncover the secrets of her great-aunt’s past.

But, can Amelia confront her own past and find where her heart truly calls home?

If you haven't yet read the first book in the Sleuthing Club Mysteries, you can grab it now from Amazon! And it's even on Kindle Unlimited!

Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash

On the blog this month...

I've got another fab guest post this month as well as some more brilliant books to recommend.

I'm on Bookbub!

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