Hi, and welcome to my May newsletter!
How are you all coping in lockdown? It’s so weird, isn’t it?
Is anyone else homeschooling? How’s that going? I can’t tell you how much I love teachers now. I always respected them before because it’s not a job I could ever do, (and I have to say, I hate it!) but my respect has sky-rocketed! I can't control two kids let alone a whole classroom. And I don't understand the maths! My kid’s teachers will be getting some amazing presents this year!
But it’s not all bad in the Ginger household! My debut novel, The Little Theatre on the Seafront became an Amazon bestseller in Canada (thank you Canada!) and I had some lovely calls with my editor. I hope I’ll be able to share the good news soon!
I’m starting to think about ideas for next year. Plotting always means new notebooks, special pens and lots of post-its! It’s one of my favourite parts of the process where I get to know my characters and workout their stories. I’m a real planner so I go into a lot of detail and like to figure out potential plot holes before I start writing.
I’ve also decided to run a Facebook giveaway this month where I’ll give away an ebook of Spring Tides at Swallowtail Bay, so do keep an eye out for that! As soon as this lockdown is over, I’ll run a paperback giveaway too and maybe include some pampering treats! What do you think?
Whatever you’re up to this month, I hope you all stay safe and do look after each other!
This month...
I've been making the most of my daily walks and snapping some shots of the beautiful flowers around me. I think it's important to enjoy the little things at the moment.
I'd love to know what you've been doing to help your mental health during lockdown.
Don't forget to pre-order
Summer Strawberries at Swallowtail Bay!
On the blog this month...
I'm going book crazy this month! So as well as my usual Ask the Editor blog post, I've got a fab book review and my top summer picks coming your way!
I'm also on Instagram!
Come and join me over there for bookish photos and general good times!