The summer's officially here and the kids are off school!
It's been an emotional end of term as my daughter finished primary school (I don't like it! I want her to be a baby again!) but we're enjoying some family time while the sun shines. What are you up to? Do you have holiday plans?
I can't believe I turn 40 this month! I don't feel it, but I'm very grateful to be doing this thing that I love. So thank you to all of you for reading my books and being on my mailing list. I wouldn't get to do this without you.
On the writing front, I've just sent back line edits on the Christmas story to my lovely editor. The cover reveal is planned for September and I promise I'll give you a sneak peak before it goes on Twitter. I still can't reveal too much, but I can tell you that I'm excited to bring Bella and Nick's heart-warming romance to you. Bella's a kind and caring primary school teacher and Nick's a Henry Cavill look-a-like single dad. There's snow and presents and all things Christmas and sparks will definitely fly this Christmas!
I'm back to writing book ten and have just hit the 30k mark. I didn't want to leave these guys, they're so in my head, but I'm glad to be back and getting into the nitty-gritty of their story. This is generally where I start panicking and pulling my hair out, thinking it's the worst book ever written so wish me luck!
Whether you're going away or staying home, I hope you have a wonderful summer and I'll be back on 1st September with another update!
Until then, happy reading!
Did you know my blog's open to guest posts?
If you've got something to share, I'd love to hear from you!
You don't have to be a published writer. I love posts about the challenges of writing and getting published, tips and tricks, top reads...anything and everything!
Contact me at katiegingerbooks@gmail.com if you'd like to chat ideas!
When Amelia inherits her childhood home, she has to return to Meadowbank and old flame Adam, the one thing she regrets leaving behind.
When she discovers a hidden locket, she starts to uncover her great-aunt’s past but can she find where her heart truly calls home?
On the blog this month...
I've got more hints and writing tips, more book reviews and maybe even some behind-the-scenes action!
I'm on Instagram!
Come and find me on Instagram if you like random pictures of my dogs, book recommendations and general bookish gibbering!