How was your March? I hope you had a fabulous time.
I'd like to start this newsletter by saying a massive thank you to everyone who has bought and read The Secrets of Meadow Farmhouse! Especially those who've left a review too. They really do help authors in so many ways, like securing promotions, helping us get new contracts with our publishers and proving our worth as writers! So here's a massive, massive thank you from me!
Luckily, it's been doing really well with reviewers and is still rocking a 5-star average on NetGalley and a 4.7 average on Amazon!
News from me this month is a little bit sad, but not too devastating, I hope. Unfortunately, due to some scheduling issues my summer novel is now going to be coming out in Spring 2022. Sorry to anyone who was looking forward to it, but it's just one of those things. I know that when it comes out next year it'll be just the thing to lift out spirits after winter. So instead of editing that, I've been writing the Christmas 2021 book and I'm about three quarters of the way through the first draft. There's still lots to do on it but I'm liking it so far, even though it's been a pickle to write!
Once I've got that done I'll be turning my hand back to cozy mysteries and editing the second Sleuthing Club novel. Hopefully, I'll be able to share some more about that later.
Other than that, I've been reading, reading, reading! I've particularly enjoyed The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman (it was A-MAZEBALLS!) and am just about to start The Marlow Murder Club by Robert Thorogood. I actually bought this for my mum for Mother's Day (she's a huge Death in Paradise fan) but I stole it once she'd finished! And to get me in the mood for writing a Christmas book, I read Sarah Morgan's One More For Christmas, which was fabulous and helped me feel Christmassy even though it's April!
Do share your reading recommendations on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. I absolutely love books and love to know what I should add to my TBR pile!
When Amelia inherits her childhood home, she has to return home to Meadowbank and old flame Adam, the one thing she regrets leaving behind.
When she discovers a hidden locket, she starts to uncover her great-aunt’s past but can she find where her heart truly calls home?
Make sure you enter the Country Living UK competition to win this gorgeous hamper!
On the blog this month...
I'll be sharing lots of writing tips, book reviews and there might even be some more behind the scenes action on The Secrets of Meadow Farmhouse!
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